发布日期:2021-09-23   作者:yanggongban  浏览数:1794


         张翼博士,男,19721月生,中南大学化学化工学院教授,博士生导师。中南大学化学化工学院自组装功能材料方向学术带头人。国家自然科学基金、科技部973项目评审专家。江苏省质量专家。从事天然小分子及多肽自组装研究近20年,主要研究方向包括水凝胶、气凝胶、功能材料的研发及生物医学应用,单原子催化剂的设计及规模化制备。独立工作以来以通讯作者在Nature Comm.J. Am. Chem. Soc. Angew. Chem. Int. ED, Adv Mater.等国际学术刊物发表SCI论文60余篇,主持国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目1项,面上项目4项。等项目10余项。作为第一发明人在获得国际国内发明专利10余项。目前为中国化学会会员、美国化学会会员、湖南省可再生能源学会理事,担任中国化学快报国际版(CCL)编委,Nature Chemistry, J. Am. Chem. SOC., A ngew. Chem. Int. ED, Adv Mater.20多个国际权威杂志的特约审稿人。


2013-至今  中南大学化学化工学院(教授、博士生导师)

2008-2013  中南大学化学化工学院(副教授)

2005/08 – 2008/01,美国,加州州立大学洛杉矶分校,化学生物系,(研究助理)

2003/10 – 2005/08,美国,佛罗里达州立大学,化学系,(博士后)

2002/07 – 2003/09,法国,巴黎大学XI分校,固体与界面所博士后)


博士:2000/08  2001/11,德国马普胶体与界面研究所, 联合培养博士

1998/09  2002/06,          中科院化学所,博士

硕士:1995/09  1998/08,新疆大学,化学系,硕士

本科:1990/09  1994/07,新疆大学,化学系,本科


1.     国家自然科学基金面上项目,21972169,天然小分子凝胶的自组装机理、筛选策略及其在脑损伤预后的应用研究,78万,在研,主持。

2.     国家自然科学基金面上项目,21773311, 用于修复受损神经网络的短肽金属水凝胶的设计及自组装机理探索,2017/01-2021/1278万元,在研,主持。

3.     国家自然科学基金面上项目,21473257, 淀粉样多肽自组装过程及其对磷脂膜损伤机制的体外重现及理论模拟,2014/01-2018/1295万元,已结题,主持。

4.     国家自然科学基金重大研究计划,91127024,弯曲界面上自组装体系原位实时成像技术研制,2012/01-2014/1265万元,已结题,主持。

5.    国家自然科学基金面上项目,20973201,利用二茂铁寡肽分子信标研究磷脂膜与各种beta-淀粉样蛋白聚集体的相互作用机制,2010/01-2014/1236万元,已结题,主持


1.       Wu, Huiqiong Zheng, Jun Kjøniksen, Anna-Lena Wang, Wei, Zhang, Yi * and Ma, Jianmin.*, Metallogels: Availability, Applicability and Advanceability. Advanced Materials. 2019, 201806204. (IF=21.95)

2.       Sun, Zhifang.; Li, Zhengyuan; He, Yonghui.; Shen, Rujuan; Deng, Liu.; Yang, Minghui.; Liang, Yizeng. ; Zhang, Yi*., Ferrocenoyl Phenylalanine: A New Strategy Toward Supramolecular Hydrogels with Multistimuli Responsive Properties. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135 (36), 13379-13386.  (IF=14.357).

3.        Sun, Zhifang; Lv, Fucong; Cao, Lujie; Liu, Lin; Zhang, Yi*; Lu, Zhouguang*, Multistimuli-Responsive, Moldable Supramolecular Hydrogels Cross-Linked by Ultrafast Complexation of Metal Ions and Biopolymers. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54 (27), 7944-7948. (IF=12.102).

4.        Wang, Xiaojuan.; Wei, Chuanwan*.; Su, JiHu.; He, Bo.; Wen, GeBo.; Lin, YingWu*.; Zhang, Yi*, A Chiral Ligand Assembly That Confers One-Electron O-2 Reduction Activity for a Cu2+-Selective Metallohydrogel. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 3504–3508. (IF=12.102).

5.        Zheng, Jun.Fan Rong.Wu HuiqiongYao HonghuiYan YujieLiu JiamiaoRan Lu, Zhifang SunLunzhao Yi, Li Dang, Pingping Gan, Zheng Piao , Yang Tilong, Yi Zhang*, Tang Tao *; Wang Yang *, Directed self-assembly of herbal small molecules into sustained release hydrogels for treating neural inflammation. Nature Communications, 2019,10,1604-1615.(IF= 12.353)


6.        Tan, Minli.; He, Ting.; Liu, Jian Wu, Huiqiong; Li, qiang.; Zheng, Jun. ; Wang,Yong. ; Sun, Zhifang*. ; Wang, Shuangyin and Zhang, Yi*.Supramolecular Bimetallogels: A Nanofiber Network for Bimetal/Nitrogen Co-Doped Carbon Electrocatalysts. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 8227-8232. IF=10.66

7.        He, Ting.; Zhang Yaqian.; Chen Yang.; Zhang Zhenzhu.; Wang Haiyan*.; Hu Yongfeng.; Min Liu.;  Pao Chih-Wen.;Chen Jeng-Lung*.;Chang Lo Yueh.;Sun Zhifang.;Xiang Juan.; Zhang Yi* and Chen Shaowei*.Single Iron Atoms Stabilized by Microporous Defects of Biomass-Derived Carbon Aerogels as High-Performance Electrocatalysts for Aluminium-Air Battery. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, DOI: 10.1039/c9ta05981d. IF=10.66

8.        Zhang, Zhenzhu; He, Ting; Yuan, Mengying; Shen, Rujuan; Deng, Liu; Yi, Lunzhao; Sun, Zhifang*; Zhang, Yi*, The in situ synthesis of Ag/amino acid biopolymer hydrogels as mouldable wound dressings. Chem. Comm. 2015, 51 (87), 15862-15865. (Nature Index) IF=6.29

9.        He, Ting; Xue, Hui; Wang, xiaojuan; He, Shuanghua; Lei, Yulai; Zhang, Yuyuan; Shen, Rujuan; Zhang, Yi*; Xiang, Juan*, Architecture of CoNx single clusters on nanocarbon as excellent oxygen reduction catalysts with high-efficient atomic utilization. Nanoscale 2017, 9 ( 24), 8341-8348.  IF=7.37

10.     He, Ting; Wang, Xiaojuan; Wu, Huiqiong; Xue, Hui; Xue, Peng; Ma, Jing; Tan, Minli; He, Shuanghua; Shen, Rujuan; Yi, Lunzhao; Zhang, Yi*; Xiang, Juan*, In situ Fabrication of Defective CoNx Single Clusters on Reduced Graphene Oxide Sheets with Excellent Electrocatalytic Activity for Oxygen Reduction. ACS. Appl. Mater. Inter. 2017, 9 ( 27), 22490-22501 IF=7.50

11.     Wang, Xiaojuan; He, Ting; Yang, Lan; Wu, Huiqiong; Zhang, Rui; Zhang, Zhenzhu; Shen, Rujuan; Xiang, Juan; Zhang, Yi*; Wei, Chuanwan*, A Co2+-selective and chirality-sensitive supermolecular metallohydrogel with a nanofiber network skeleton. Nanoscale 2016, 8 (12), 6479-6483. IF=7.37

12.     Yin, Jia-Fu; Hu, Yi; Wang, De-Gao; Yang, Lan; Jin, Zhong*; Zhang, Yi*; Kuang, Gui-Chao*, Cucurbit[8]uril-Based Water-Soluble Supramolecular Dendronized Polymer: Evidence from Single Polymer Chain Morphology and Force Spectroscopy. ACS Macro Lett. 2017, 6 (2), 139-143.  IF=6.19

13.     Zhou, Miao; Sun, Zhifang; Shen, Congcong; Li, Zhengyuan; Zhang, Yi*; Yang, Minghui*, Application of hydrogel prepared from ferrocene functionalized amino acid in the design of novel electrochemical immunosensing platform. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2013, 49, 243-248.  IF=7.78

14.     Sun, Zhifang; Deng, Liu; Gan, Hao; Shen, Rujuan; Yang, Minghui*; Zhang, Yi*, Sensitive immunosensor for tumor necrosis factor α based on dual signal amplification of ferrocene modified self-assembled peptide nanowire and glucose oxidase functionalized gold nanorod. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2013, 39 (1), 215-219. IF=7.78

15.     Yang, Lan.; Ji, Yajian.; Yin, Jiafu.; Wu, Y.; Fan, H.; Zhang, Yi*.; Kuang, Guichao*., Amphiphilic BODIPY derivatives: the solvophobic effect on their photophysical properties and bioimaging in living cells. Soft Matter 2016, 12 (41), 8581-8587.  IF=3.89

16.     Yi, Xinyao; Han, Hongxing; Zhang, Yu; Wang, Jianxiu*; Zhang, Yi*; Zhou, Feimeng*, Amplified voltammetric characterization of cleavage of the biotinylated peptide by BACE1 and screening of BACE1 inhibitors. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2013, 50, 224-228. IF=7.78

17.     Chen, Liang; Tang, Xincun; Zhang, Yang; Li, Lianxing; Zeng, Zhiwen; Zhang, Yi, Process for the recovery of cobalt oxalate from spent lithium-ion batteries. Hydrometallurgy 2011, 108 (1-2), 80-86.

18.     Dai, Xuan; Wei, Chuanwan; Li, Zhengyuan; Sun, Zhifang; Shen, Rujuan; Zhang, Yi, Self-assembly of DNA networks at the air-water interface over time. Rsc Advances 2013, 3 (36), 16116-16121.

19.     Guo, Changyan; Zhang, Yonghong; Guo, Yuan; Zhang, Liugen; Zhang, Yi; Wang, Jide, A general and efficient approach for tuning the crystal morphology of classical MOFs. Chemical Communications 2018, 54 (3), 252-255.

20.     Guo, Changyan; Zhang, Yonghong; Zhang, Li; Zhang, Yi; Wang, Jide, 2-Methylimidazole-assisted synthesis of a two-dimensional MOF-5 catalyst with enhanced catalytic activity for the Knoevenagel condensation reaction. Crystengcomm 2018, 20 (36), 5327-5331.

21.     Guo, Changyan; Zhang, Yonghong; Zhang, Yi; Wang, Jide, An efficient approach for enhancing the catalytic activity of Ni-MOF-74 via a relay catalyst system for the selective oxidation of benzylic C-H bonds under mild conditions. Chemical Communications 2018, 54 (30), 3701-3704.

22.     Guo, Jia; Li, Hui; Wang, Di; Zhang, Liugen; Ma, Yuhua; Akram, Naeem; Zhang, Yi; Wang, Jide, Efficient difunctional photocatalyst prepared in situ from Prussian blue analogues for catalytic water oxidation and visible-light absorption. Catalysis Science & Technology 2018, 8 (24), 6375-6383.

23.     He, Ting; Li, Zhengyuan; Sun, Zhifang; Chen, Shuzhen; Shen, Rujuan; Yi, Lunzhao; Deng, Liu; Yang, Minghui; Liu, Hongtao; Zhang, Yi, From supramolecular hydrogels to functional aerogels: a facile strategy to fabricate Fe3O4/N-doped graphene composites. Rsc Advances 2015, 5 (94), 77296-77302.

24.     He, Ting; Wu, Huiqiong; Wang, Xiaojuan; Zang, Qiguang; Xue, Peng; Shen, Rujuan; Dang, Li; Zhang, Yi; Xiang, Juan, Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Organometallic Microcrystal-Based Hollow Hexagonal Micromotors through Evaporation-Induced Supramolecular Self-Assembly. Crystal Growth & Design 2016, 16 (11), 6239-6249.

25.     Li, Hui; Yue, Fan; Xie, Hongtao; Yang, Chao; Zhang, Yi; Zhang, Liugen; Wang, Jide, Hollow shell-in-shell Ni3S4@Co9S8 tubes derived from core-shell Ni-MOF-74@Co-MOF-74 as efficient faradaic electrodes. Crystengcomm 2018, 20 (7), 889-895.

26.     Li, Hui; Yue, Fan; Yang, Chao; Xue, Peng; Li, Nannan; Zhang, Yi; Wang, Jide, Structural evolution of a metal-organic framework and derived hybrids composed of metallic cobalt and copper encapsulated in nitrogen-doped porous carbon cubes with high catalytic performance. Crystengcomm 2017, 19 (1), 64-71.

27.     Liu, Jingjing; He, Ting; Wang, Qichen; Zhou, Zhaoxi; Zhang, Yaqian; Wu, Huiqiong; Li, Qiang; Zheng, Jun; Sun, Zhifang; Lei, Yongpeng; Ma, Jianmin; Zhang, Yi, Confining ultrasmall bimetallic alloys in porous N-carbon for use as scalable and sustainable electrocatalysts for rechargeable Zn-air batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7 (20), 12451-12456.

28.     Ma, Jing; Wang, Xiaojuan; He, Ting; Tan, Minli; Zheng, Jun; Wu, Huiqiong; Yuan, Mengying; Shen, Rujuan; Zhang, Yi; Xiang, Juan, In situ hybridization of CoOX nanoparticles on N-doped graphene through one step mineralization of co-responsive hydrogels. Dalton Transactions 2017, 46 (19), 6163-6167.

29.     Ma, Shasha; Chen, Lian; Li, Jing; Wang, Ziyan; Xin, Zhongquan; Zhang, Yi; Ren, Dabing; Yi, Lunzhao, Characterization and authentication of Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma and its adulterants by UPLC-Orbitrap-MS/MS chromatographic fingerprints, elements profiles and chemometric methods. Microchemical Journal 2019, 144, 285-295.

30.     Ma, Wenlan; Li, Hui; Xu, Qian; Zhang, Yi; Wang, Wei; Wang, Jide, Au nanoparticle-doped Co3O4-CoFe2O4@SiO2 as a catalyst for visible-light-driven water oxidation. New Journal of Chemistry 2018, 42 (18), 14757-14765.

31.     Ning, Shunhua; Huang, Qiyu; Li, Juan; Zhang, Yi; Liu, You-Nian, Functionalized dextran-coated liposomes for doxorubicin loading. Journal of Controlled Release 2011, 152, E49-E51.

32.     Ning, Shunhua; Huang, Qiyu; Sun, Xiaoyi; Li, Chunlei; Zhang, Yi; Li, Juan; Liu, You-Nian, Carboxymethyl dextran-coated liposomes: Toward a robust drug delivery platform. Soft Matter 2011, 7 (19), 9394-9401.

33.     Qu, Fengli; Sun, Haiyi; Zhang, Yi; Lu, Hongmei; Yang, Minghui, Electrochemically deposited Pd nanorod array/sol-gel silica thin film for the fabrication of electrochemical sensors. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2012, 166, 837-841.

34.     Qu, Fengli; Zhang, Yi; Rasooly, Avraham; Yang, Minghui, Electrochemical Biosensing Platform Using Hydrogel Prepared from Ferrocene Modified Amino Acid as Highly Efficient Immobilization Matrix. Analytical Chemistry 2014, 86 (2), 973-976.

35.     Sheng, Jianping; Baikenov, Murzabek Ispolovich; Liang, Xiaoyu; Rao, Xuehui; Ma, Fengyun; Su, Xintai; Zhang, Yi, Rapid separation and large-scale synthesis of beta-FeOOH nanospindles for direct coal liquefaction. Fuel Processing Technology 2017, 165, 80-86.

36.     Song, Ruru; Zheng, Jun; Liu, Yilin; Tan, Yun; Yang, Zhaoyu; Song, Xianwen; Yang, Songqin; Fan, Rong; Zhang, Yi; Wang, Yang, A natural cordycepin/chitosan complex hydrogel with outstanding self-healable and wound healing properties. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2019, 134, 91-99.

37.     Sun, Zhifang; Huang, Qiyu; He, Ting; Li, Zhengyuan; Zhang, Yi; Yi, Lunzhao, Multistimuli-Responsive Supramolecular Gels: Design Rationale, Recent Advances, and Perspectives. Chemphyschem 2014, 15 (12), 2421-2430.

38.     Wang, Jianxiu; Li, Ding; Yang, Minghui; Zhang, Yi, A novel ferrocene-tagged peptide nanowire for enhanced electrochemical glucose biosensing. Analytical Methods 2014, 6 (18), 7161-7165.

39.     Wang, Jingjing; Gong, Zhiguo; Zhang, Tingting; Feng, Shun; Wang, Jide; Zhang, Yi, Simultaneous determination of 106 pesticides in nuts by LC-MS/MS using freeze-out combined with dispersive solid-phase extraction purification. Journal of Separation Science 2017, 40 (11), 2398-2405.

40.     Wang, Jingjing; Zhang, Tingting; Gong, Zhiguo; Gao, Yun; Wang, Jide; Zhang, Yi, Determination of Eight Benzoylurea Insecticides in High-Fat Foodstuff Samples by Gel Permeation Chromatography Followed by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Food Analytical Methods 2017, 10 (9), 3098-3105.

41.     Wang, Xiaojuan; He, Ting; Yang, Lan; Wu, Huiqiong; Yin, Jiafu; Shen, Rujuan; Xiang, Juan; Zhang, Yi; Wei, Chuanwan, Designing isometrical gel precursors to identify the gelation pathway for nickel-selective metallohydrogels. Dalton Transactions 2016, 45 (46), 18438-18442.

42.     Wang, Xiaojuan; Wei, Chuanwan; He, Ting; Yang, Lan; Wu, Huiqiong; Yin, Jiafu; Shen, Rujuan; Xiang, Juan; Zhang, Yi, Pb2+-specific metallohydrogel based on tryptophan-derivatives: preparation, characterization, multi-stimuli responsiveness and potential applications in wastewater and soil treatment. Rsc Advances 2016, 6 (84), 81341-81345..

43.     Wu, Huiqiong; Lei, Yulai; Song, Xianwen; Tan, Yun; Sun, Zhifang; Zhang, Yi; Kjoniksen, Anna-Lena; Wang, Wei; Ma, Jianmin, Real time rheological study of first network effects on the in situ polymerized semi-interpenetrating hydrogels. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2019, 575, 111-117.

44.     Xu, Hai; Zhao, Siqi; Xiong, Xiang; Jiang, Jinzhi; Xu, Wei; Zhu, Daoben; Zhang, Yi; Liang, Wenjie; Cai, Jianfeng, Atomic force microscope characterization of self-assembly behaviors of cyclo 8 pyrrole on solid substrates. Chemical Physics Letters 2017, 674, 151-156.

45.     Xue, Hui; He, Ting; Chabu, Johnny Muya; Liu, Jingjing; Wu, Huiqiong; Zheng, Jun; Tan, Minli; Ma, Jing; Shen, Rujuan; Deng, Liu; Zhang, Yi, Iron Single Clusters Anchored on N-Doped Porous Carbon as Superior Trace-Metal Catalysts toward Oxygen Reduction. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2018, 5 (7).

46.     Xue, Peng; He, Ting; Wu, Huiqiong; Xie, Hongtao; Shen, Rujuan; Yue, Fan; Wang, Jide; Zhang, Yi, Encapsulation of nanocrystals with responsive gels for spatial optical identification. Supramolecular Chemistry 2017, 29 (8), 627-632.

47.     Xue, Peng; Wei, Yana; Wu, Huiqiong; Wang, Xiaojuan; He, Ting; Shen, Rujuan; Yue, Fan; Wang, Jide; Zhang, Yi, Supramolecular xerogel linked with cobalt(II) ions: A facile method toward O-2 storage and catalyzation of cyclohexene oxidation. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2016, 506, 514-518.

48.     Xue, Peng; Wei, Yana; Yue, Fan; Zhang, Yi; Wang, Jide, Effects of Functional Groups in alpha-Amino Acids on Reversible Oxygenation Performance of Co(II) Complexes. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese 2016, 37 (10), 1769-1775.

49.     Xue, Peng; Wu, Huiqiong; Wang, Xiaojuan; He, Ting; Shen, Rujuan; Yue, Fan; Wang, Jide; Zhang, Yi, Cation Tuning toward the Inference of the Gelation Behavior of Supramolecular Gels. Scientific Reports 2016, 6.

50.     Yi, Lunzhao; Dong, Naiping; Liu, Shao; Yi, Zhibiao; Zhang, Yi, Chemical features of Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae and Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride revealed by GC-MS metabolomics analysis. Food Chemistry 2015, 186, 192-199.

51.     Yi, Lunzhao; Dong, Naiping; Shi, Shuting; Deng, Baichuan; Yun, Yonghuan; Yi, Zhibiao; Zhang, Yi, Metabolomic identification of novel biomarkers of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Rsc Advances 2014, 4 (103), 59094-59101.

52.     Yi, Xinyao; Zhang, Yi; Gong, Ming; Yu, Xiang; Darabedian, Narek; Zheng, Jie; Zhou, Feimeng, Ca2+ Interacts with Glu-22 of A beta(1-42) and Phospholipid Bilayers to Accelerate the A beta(1-42) Aggregation Below the Critical Micelle Concentration. Biochemistry 2015, 54 (41), 6323-6332.

53.     Yin, Jia-Fu; Hu, Yi; Wang, Huan; Jin, Zhong; Zhang, Yi; Kuang, Gui-Chao, Near-Infrared-Emissive Amphiphilic BODIPY Assemblies Manipulated by Charge-Transfer Interaction: From Nanofibers to Nanorods and Nanodisks. Chemistry-an Asian Journal 2017, 12 (23), 3088-3095.

54.     Zeng, Dongming; Wang, Jianxiu; Yin, Lijun; Zhang, Yintang; Zhang, Yi; Zhou, Feimeng, Sequence-specific analysis of oligodeoxynucleotides by precipitate-amplified surface plasmon resonance measurements. Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark 2007, 12, 5117-5123.

55.     Zhang, Rui; Ji, Ya-Jian; Yang, Lan; Zhang, Yi; Kuang, Gui-Chao, A ferrocene-azobenzene derivative showing unprecedented phase transition and better solubility upon UV irradiation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016, 18 (15), 9914-9917.

56.     Zhang, Ruijie; Su, Fangfang; Zhang, Yi, Hollow capsules formed by the self-assembly of caseins on sessile air bubbles. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2011, 375 (1-3), 124-129.

57.     Zhang, Wuyong; Ren, Yao-Yao; Zhang, Lin-Na; Fan, Xing; Fan, Haiming; Wu, Yongquan; Zhang, Yi; Kuang, Gui-Chao, Borondifluoride beta-diketonate complex as fluorescent organic nanoparticles: aggregation-induced emission for cellular imaging. Rsc Advances 2016, 6 (104), 101937-101940.

58.     Zhang, Xincun; Yue, Fan; Li, Hui; Huang, Yan; Zhang, Yi; Wen, Hongmei; Wang, Jide, Reversible Oxygenation of alpha-Amino Acid-Cobalt(II) Complexes. Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications 2016.

59.     Zhang, Yi, Dynamic ellipsometry study on curved thin films at pendent droplet surfaces. Review of Scientific Instruments 2010, 81 (8).

60.     Zhang, Yi; Cheng, Xiong; Wang, Jianxiu; Zhou, Feimeng, Bi- and tetra-layered dipalmitoyl phosphatidylserine (DPPS) patterns produced by hydration of Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers and the subsequent enzymatic digestion. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2009, 337 (1-3), 26-32.

61.     Zhou, Jing; Zheng, Jun; Zhang, Yi; Zheng, Piao; Tang, Tao; Luo, Jie-Kun; Cui, Han-Jin; Song, Ru-Ru; Wang, Yang, Chitosan Hydrogel Delivery System Containing Herbal Compound Functions as a Potential Antineuroinflammatory Agent. Acs Omega 2019, 4 (6), 10185-10191.

62.     Zhu, Yunlong; Ji, Ya-Jian; Wang, De-Gao; Zhang, Yi; Tang, Hui; Jia, Xin-Ru; Song, Min; Yu, Guipeng; Kuang, Gui-Chao, BODIPY-based conjugated porous polymers for highly efficient volatile iodine capture. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017, 5 (14), 6622-6629.



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