王晓龙-教授 硕/博 导师
发布日期:2021-03-03   作者:yanggongban  浏览数:7027

主要从事高性能高分子材料设计合成与增材制造(3D打印)及其功能化研究工作,致力于高性能聚酰亚胺设计制备及增材制造成形、表面功能化3D打印、多材料微结构成形与融合及仿生摩擦驱动器件等研究,所发展的高性能增材制造专用光敏材料和增材制造技术在油水分离、医疗器械、控制释放、柔性机器人等领域的应用均取得了突破性进展,这些成果为增材制造在相关领域的应用和深入发展提供了先进的材料、技术和理论平台,奠定了较好的基础。近年来,相关研究成果在Adv. Mater.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等国内外知名刊物发表SCI收录论文70余篇,其中多篇被Chem. Commun.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces选为封面文章,并被国际知名杂志如NPG Asia MaterialsChemistry World作为研究亮点进行了报道详述;发表文章被引用3000余次,H因子32;申报中国专利26件,其中授权18



081700 化学工程与技术


1995-1999 学士:兰州大学化学化工学院有机化学专业
· 2002-2007

· 2007-2009
· 2009-2013
· 2014-
· 2010-2011
· 2012-2013
访问教授:加拿大西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario)机械工程系
· 2018




2. 预拉伸聚电解质纳米平台原位无电沉积金属薄膜法制备高导电率弹性导体,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2012.1-2015.12,主持。

3. 聚酰亚胺空间爬行屏障材料的制备与性能研究,,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2009.1-2011.12,主持。


  1. Tao Wu, Pang Jiang, Xiaoqin Zhang, Yuxiong Guo, Zhongying Ji, Xin Jia, XiaolongWang*, Feng Zhou, Weimin Liu*, Additively manufacturing high-performance bismaleimide architectures with ultraviolet-assisted direct ink writing, Materials & Design, 2019, 180, 107947.

  2. Zhongying Ji, Xiaoqin Zhang, Changyou Yan, Xin Jia, Yanqiu Xia, XiaolongWang*, Feng Zhou, 3D Printing of Photocuring Elastomers with Excellent Mechanical Strength and Resilience, MacromolecularRapidCommunications, 2019, 1800873.

  3. Pan Jiang, Changyou Yan, Yuxiong Guo, Xiaoqin Zhang, Meirong Cai, Xin Jia, XiaolongWang*, Feng Zhou, Direct ink writing with high-strength and swellingresistant biocompatible physically crosslinked hydrogels, Biomaterials Science, 2019, 7, 1805-1814.

  4. Zhongying Ji, Changyou Yan, Bo Yu, Xiaoqin Zhang, Meirong Cai, Xin Jia, XiaolongWang*, Feng Zhou, 3D Printing of Hydrogel Architectures with Complex and Controllable Shape Deformation, AdvancedMaterialsTechnologies, 2019, 1800713.

  5. Yuxiong Guo, Jiawen Xu, Changyou Yan, Yanqiu Chen, Xiaoqin Zhang, Xin Jia, Yu Liu*, XiaolongWang*, Feng Zhou, Direct Ink Writing of High Performance Architectured Polyimides with Low Dimensional Shrinkage, AdvancedEngineeringMaterials, 2019, 1801314.

  6. Zhongying Ji, Changyou Yan, Shuanghong Ma, Stanislav Gorb, Xin Jia, Bo Yu, XiaolongWang*, Feng Zhou, 3D printing of bioinspired topographically oriented surfaces with frictional anisotropy for directional driving, TribologyInternational, 2019, 132, 99-107.

  7. Changyou Yan, Shuanhong Ma, Zhongying Ji, Yuxiong Guo, Zhilu Liu, Xiaoqin Zhang*, XiaolongWang*, 3D Printing of an Oil/Water Mixture Separator with In Situ Demulsification and Separation, Polymers, 2019, 11, 774.

  8. Zhongying Ji, Changyou Yan, Shuanghong Ma, Xiaoqin Zhang, Xin Jia, XiaolongWang*, Biomimetic Surface with Tunable Frictional Anisotropy Enabled by Photothermogenesis-Induced Supporting Layer Rigidity Variation, Feng Zhou, Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 1801460.

  9. Shuanhong Ma, Michele Scaraggi, Changyou Yan, XiaolongWang*, Stanislav N. Gorb, Daniele Dini*, Feng Zhou*, Bio-inspired 3D Printed Locomotion Devices Based on Anisotropic Friction, Small, 2018, 1802931.

  10. Dechuan Hua, Xiaoqin Zhang, Zhongying Ji, Changyou Yan, Bo Yu*, Yuandong Li*, Xiaolong Wang*, Feng Zhou, 3D printing of shape changing composites for constructing flexible paper-based photothermal bilayer actuators, J Mater Chem C2018, 6, 2123-2131.

  11. Yuxiong Guo, Zhongying Ji, Xiaoqin Zhang, Xiaolong Wang*, Feng Zhou*, Solvent-free and photocurable polyimide inks for 3D printing, J Mater Chem A2017, 5, 16307-16314.

  12. Zhongying Ji, Changyou Yan, Bo Yu*, Xiaolong Wang*, Feng Zhou, Multimaterials 3D Printing for Free Assembly Manufacturing of Magnetic Driving Soft Actuator, AdvMaterInterfaces2017, 1700629.

  13. Peng Lin, Ran Zhang, Xiaolong Wang*, Meirong Cai, JunYang, Bo Yu, Feng Zhou*, Articular Cartilage Inspired Bilayer Tough Hydrogel Prepared by Interfacial Modulated Polymerization Showing Excellent Combination of High Load-Bearing and Low Friction Performance. ACS Macro Letters2016,5 (11), 1191-1195.

  14. Guoqiang Liu, Meirong Cai, Yange Feng, Xiaolong Wang*, Feng Zhou*, Weimin Liu, Photothermally actuated interfacial hydration for fast friction switch on hydrophilic polymer brush modified PDMS sheet incorporated with Fe3O4 nanoparticles. ChemCommun2016,52 (18), 3681-3683.

  15. Guoqiang Liu, Meirong Cai, Xiaolong Wang*, Feng Zhou*, Weimin Liu, Magnetite-Loaded Thermosensitive Nanogels for Bioinspired Lubrication and Multimodal Friction Control. ACSMacroLetters2016,5 (1), 144-148.

  16. Changyou Yan, Zhongying Ji, Shuanhong Ma, Xiaolong Wang*, Feng Zhou*, 3D Printing as Feasible Platform for On-Site Building Oil-Skimmer for Oil Collection from Spills. AdvancedMaterialsInterfaces2016, 1600015.

  17. Peng Lin, Shuanhong Ma, Xiaolong Wang*, Feng Zhou*, Molecularly engineered dual-crosslinked hydrogel with ultrahigh mechanical strength, toughness, and good self-recovery. AdvMater2015,27 (12), 2054-9.

  18. Xiaolong Wang, Qiuquan Guo, Xiaobing Cai, Shaolin Zhou, Brad Kobe, Jun Yang*, Initiator-Integrated 3D Printing Enables the Formation of Complex Metallic Architectures. ACSApplMaterInterfaces2014,6 (4), 2583-2587. (封面文章)

  19. Xiaolong Wang, Casey Yan, Hong Hu, Xuechang Zhou, Ruisheng Guo, Xuqing Liu, Zhuang Xie, Z. Huang, Zijian Zheng*, Aqueous and air-compatible fabrication of high-performance conductive textiles. Chemistry, anAsianjournal2014,9 (8), 2170-7.

  20. Tengyuan Zhang, Xiaolong Wang*, Tingjie Li, Qiuquan Guo and Jun Yang*, Fabrication of flexible copper-based electronics with high-resolution and high-conductivity on Paper via Inkjet Printing, JournalofMaterialsChemistryC2014,2 (2), 286.

  21. Yang Wu, Xiaowei Pei, Xiaolong Wang*, Yongmin Liang, Weimin Liu, Feng Zhou*, Biomimicking lubrication superior to fish skin using responsive hydrogels. NpgAsiaMater2014,6 (10), e136.

  22. Qiangbing Wei, Bo Yu, Xiaolong Wang*, Feng Zhou*, Stratified polymer brushes from microcontact printing of polydopamine initiator on polymer brush surfaces. MacromolRapidCommun2014,35 (11), 1046-54.

  23. Guoqiang Liu, Zhilu Liu, Na Li, Xiaolong Wang*, Feng Zhou*, Liu, W., Hairy polyelectrolyte brushes-grafted thermosensitive microgels as artificial synovial fluid for simultaneous biomimetic lubrication and arthritis treatment. ACSApplMaterInterfaces2014,6 (22), 20452-63.

  24. Guoqiang Liu, Meirong Cai, Xiaolong Wang*, Feng Zhou, F*, Weimin Liu, Core-shell-corona-structured polyelectrolyte brushes-grafting magnetic nanoparticles for water harvesting. ACSApplMaterInterfaces2014,6 (14), 11625-32.

  25. Xiaolong Wang, Xiaobing Cai, Qiuquan Guo, Tengyuan Zhang, Brad Kobe and Jun Yang*, i3DP, a robust 3D printing approach enabling genetic post-printing surface modification, ChemicalCommunications2013, 49, 10064. (Front Cover and Highlighted by Chemistry World,


  26. Xiaolong Wang, Tengyuan Zhang, Brad Kobe, Woon Ming Lau and Jun Yang*, Grafting of polyelectrolytes onto hydrocarbon surfaces by high-energy hydrogen induced cross-linking for making metallized polymer films, ChemicalCommunications2013, 49, 4658.

  27. Xiaolong Wang, Tingjie Li, Jillian Adams and Jun Yang*, Transparent, stretchable, carbon-nanotubes-inlaid conductors enabled by standard replication technology for capacitive pressure, strain and touch sensors, JournalofMaterialsChemistryA2013, 1, 3580.

  28. Xiaolong Wang, Hong Hu, Youde Shen, Xuechang Zhou and Zijian Zheng*, Stretchable Conductors with Ultrahigh Tensile Strain and Stable Metallic Conductance Enabled by Prestrained Polyelectrolyte Nanoplatforms, AdvancedMaterials 2011, 23, 3090.

  29. Xuechang Zhou, Xiaolong Wang, Youde Shen, Zhuang Xie and Zijian Zheng*, Fabrication of Aritrary Three-dimensional Polymer Structures by Rational Control of the Spacing between Nanobrushes, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 6506.

  30. Xiaolong Wang, Xinjie Liu, Feng Zhou* and Weimin Liu, Self-healing Superamphiphobicity, ChemicalCommunications2011, 47, 2324. (Highlighted by Nature Asia Materials, http://www.natureasia.com/asia-materials/highlight.php?id=890)